summer camp
Welcome to Summer Camp – The Big Adventure this summer. Handing out 200 000 Boken om HOPP NT in mailboxes in Hälsingland, Härjedalen, Jämtland and Medelpad. Also 30 000 Boken om HOPP för barn.
Register now for Summer Camp!
If you want to come and help with the distribution of Bibles, see below the places and times where we have the efforts.
July 7-30 Jämtland
July 30 – August 22: Medelpad
August 22-August 29: Sundsvall / Medelpad
If you want to participate in the distribution of the Book of Hope NT and the Book of Hope for children, you can sign up to Tel 070-144 1774
summer 2021
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Upplägget för dagen blir enkelt och effektivt:
The program for the day will be simple and efficient:
We will have Bible studies in the mornings. Then we pack the Book of HOPP NT in cellophane bags together with a postcard, with information about addresses of local churches.
We then go out to different areas where we distribute the Book of HOPP NT in mailboxes during afternoons and evenings. Some evenings and afternoons we also plan to have small outreaches and mini meetings at Coop and ICA in small communities.
Each participant is responsible for their own accomandation. In some of the places we will be, there is also the possibility to rent a room or a cottage. Some evenings we light barbecues, where everyone can grill what they want – and where we are just together and enjoying the community.
July 7-30: Jämtland
July 30 – August 22: Medelpad
August 22-August 29: Sundsvall / Medelpad
If you want to participate in the distribution of the Book of Hope NT and the Book of Hope for children, you can sign up to Tel 070-144 1774
Come and be an mailboxmissionary.
The Vision
The vision is very simple. It means that every Christian makes sure that the good news of Jesus reaches those living around him. One of the easiest ways to share your faith can be to simply drop a New Testament in your neighbors’ mailbox. Either with a personal greeting card or anonymously. The Book of Hope is a New Testament with 160 full color pages. It contains powerful life stories, prayers, information, and instructions on how to incorporate Jesus into your life. It is small and fits into any mailbox. There are an estimated 4.5 million mailboxes in Sweden.
God’s word – to the Swedish people
The book of Hope distribution is currently underway in several locations in Sweden.
At the same time, the summer efforts are being prepared – June, July and August 2021.
Härjedalen, Hälsingland, Jämtland and Medelpad are this summer’s big summer camp outreaches.
We expect families, singles, teenagers, retirees, motorcyclists, and others. You are welcome to join us in Sweden.
The main purpose of the summer camp is to work with local churches, home groups and Christian organizations to distribute the Book of Hope in mailboxes in the above mentioned areas. Everyone can do something – pack, drive, pray and distribute. There will be times of Bible teaching, prayer, Bible distribution, singing, and fellowship.
Are you interested?
Follow the website: which will be updated permanently.
Would you like to help spread the word of God? You can donate to Bible for the Nations:
Reason for payment: Bibles for Sweden
If you want to make a bank transfer, please use the following account details:
Postbank Hamburg
IBAN DE57 4401 0046 0412 6204 62SWIFT-BIC PBNKDEFFXXX
Bible for the Nations e.V.
Aulkestrasse 28
D – 48734 Reken
Phone: +49 02864 882907
Fax: +49 02864 882909
If you have questions, you can reach us through our emailaddresses:
Roul Åkesson
Birgit Åkesson
Benny Gustafsson
About us:
Det finns ett mindre arbetsteam som arbetar med att planera och genomföra satsningar med utdelning av Boken om HOPP NT i olika byar och samhällen i Sverige. I dagsläget är det: Roul och Birgit Åkesson, BftN, Benny Gustafsson, pastor i Tranås.
Flera är på gång in i teamet. Bakom satsningen står Bible for the Nations, som tagit fram Boken om HOPP NT.
Ordförande Roul Åkesson
Bible for the Nations e.V.
Aulkestrasse 28
48734 Reken Tyskland
Brevlådemissionen är ett nätverk som Bible for the Nations har startat för att få ut Guds Ord till alla hem i Sverige. Nätverket startades i början av oktober 2020 efter korsvandringen från Treriksröset till Smygehuk. Ledningsgruppen är Roul och Birgit Åkesson / Benny Gustafsson.
Benny Gustafsson kan hjälpa församlingar med utdelningen av Boken om Hopp NT, Utemöten och olika evangelisations-satsningar och det finns även en Cafébuss som kan använda för olika insatser. Kontakt: Benny Gustafsson 070-787 54 72
Tillsammans når vi Sverige med budskapet om Jesus Kristus.